Meaningful Education Can't be Created on the Fly

by C.J. Stevenson

There's been much hoopla about the final rule for credit union directors. I've had friends and colleagues sending me emails with messages from professional development providers--both for-profit companies and associations--touting their solutions to the newly formalized rules regarding credit union directors' fiduciary duties and financial literacy. One question: why now? 

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Internet Policies: Safe or Crazy?

In the past few weeks, I've heard of credit unions blocking their employees from Google as well as url shorteners (tinyurl,, etc.). While I understand the need for some boundaries for the safety of the credit union's hardware and keeping my money safe, I was surprised at the black and white thought process--punishing all for the bad habits of a few. But it has me wondering: What's the craziest thing your IT department blocks?

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Mergers: Lessons From the Trenches

By Tom Randle, CCE

According to WOCCU, at the peak in 1969, there were 23,900 U.S. credit unions. Today, roughly a third remain—and mergers reduce the ranks almost daily.

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