Don't Choose Your Mission Statement on Google

By Lisa Hochgraf

John Oliver convinced a client credit union board that focusing on developing strategic objectives and measurables would be superior to spending time developing a mission statement.

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These Excuses Don't Work

By Lisa Hochgraf

Credit union directors are bound by law to carry out their duties to the membership. No excuses get individual directors off the hook, John Oliver told attendees of CUES Director Strategy Seminar this week in San Diego.

Don't even try these, advised Oliver, president of Laurel Management Systems, Palm Springs, Calif.:

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Is Training Your Board of Directors Really Important?

By James M. Warren

As a credit union CEO for 20 years, I can emphatically say that having the right volunteers and providing them with ongoing training is a critical element of the success of every credit union. It helps each director live up to their potential and funnel the expertise they bring from other industries to best serve the members.

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Some PR Advice: Editors Want to, Well, Edit

By Lisa Hochgraf


I got a big surprise a few weeks back when I got a PDF press release from a credit union public relations person. Since I was interested in the content of the release, I wrote back, asking for the release in Word, which I find easier to copy and paste into my electronic ideas files. (I also find Word files more editable if I'm directly using the release in one of CUES' publications.)


The PR person granted my request, but surprised me by writing back: "Typically we release them in PDF format so they're uneditable."

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We Need 'Hindsight' in our Vision

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

"How could the designers of the World Trade Center be so stupid?" was my persistent thought when I listened to Chief Richard Picciotto.

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Editor’s Pick: Top 2010 Articles

By Theresa Witham

Last Monday we published 2010’s top 10 most-read articles on Not surprisingly, the top article was about the NCUA assessment. Compliance was also popular, showing up in a couple of spots, as was leadership.

But we had many outstanding articles that didn’t make the list. It was, after all, the top 10 not the top 300.

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Why We Make Mistakes—and What We Can Do About It

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

We all make mistakes. A common reaction is to "put the mistake behind you and move on."

This reaction would be a mistake, in the eyes of Joseph Hallinan, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of Why We Make Mistakes.

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