Great Directors Ask Tough Questions

Challenging times demand that boards evaluate governance performance and their ability to govern through uncertainty while meeting member needs.

Challenging times demand that boards evaluate governance performance and their ability to govern through uncertainty while meeting member needs.
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Tradition and Innovation: How CUES Compares to Great Bands of the 1960s

By Christopher Stevenson

It's CUES' 50th year, and I can't help drawing comparisons between the movement's preeminent professional development provider and the bands that share our anniversary--1962. I wouldn't dare touch the Beatles (fortunately, they don't share 1962 with CUES), but there are others.

Compass Subscription

C Suite Lessons From the Trenches

By Mark Arnold

Too many times the more we move up the credit union ladder, the farther away we get from our actual members. That is not necessarily a good thing.

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