Are Your New Accounts Processes Dated?

By Eric Weikart

Ahh, the 1980s. Some of the technology highlights of this era include Betamax tapes, calculator watches, pagers and Sony Walkmans. For the most part, the public has eagerly chased the latest and greatest technology, leaving these relics behind. But as with anything nostalgic, there are always some whohold on. Is your credit union in this category? Do you still have technology and processes in place from the 1980s that should have been replaced or upgraded years ago?

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Good Governance Takes a Village

By Kelly Schmit

Good credit union governance goes far beyond the board of directors to encompass several other parties, including CEOs, committees, task forces, credit union members and regulators.

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Four Moves to Ease the Board Chair’s Job

Les Wallace PhD Photo
Signature Resources

In my work with over 300 boards, I’ve found four moves that can give a chairperson immediate relief in navigating their busy board agendas, managing discussion, and freeing up time for more focused dialog.

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An MBL Check-up

By Karen Hodgkiss

Jim Devine is founder, chairman, and CEO of Hipereon, Inc., and a specialist in commercial lending and credit administration. In January 2013, he discussed The Business Lending End Game in a post for CUES Skybox. With the start of a new year, this may be a good time to review Jim’s advice in the form of self-assessment to see how well your Member Business Lending (MBL) program is doing.

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Debunking Conventional Wisdom

By Jenn Barton

Let’s say you are the primary person responsible for conducting the board of directors’ election for your credit union. It’s likely you take an administrative approach to the job, thinking about timing and calendars, methods of collecting ballots and disseminating information. Odds are you’ve put a process in place that is very similar to prior years, in the spirit of “that’s the way we’ve always done it,”—also known as “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

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The Art and Science of Perspective-Taking

By Shari Storm, CCE

As I prepare to leave Verity Credit Union, I’ve spent considerable time thinking back on the lessons I’ve learned and the people who have taught me.

Early in my career, as part of our Verity University, I did a 360 evaluation. Co-workers below me on the organization chart, equal to me and above me all completed anonymous surveys. I just found the survey while going through my old files. 

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Succession Map Maintains Momentum

By Rick Uhlmann

Bob Trunzo took the reins of CUNA Mutual Group yesterday, as planned.

Emphasis on as planned.

Departing CEO Jeff Post and our board of directors had mapped out plans for this transition in leadership well in advance as part of part of our long-term strategy. The timing of this change in CEO was carefully planned to ensure a smooth transition that would support CUNA Mutual Group’s positive momentum.  

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Invest in Yourself in 2014

Karl and Bob were good friends when they attended college. After they graduated, life happened and they slowly lost contact. When they reconnected at their 20-year reunion, they were working for similarly sized companies. They had also graduated with nearly identical GPAs and had the same work ethic. However, for some reason, Karl was two levels higher in his organization than Bob.

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