Expecting One Thing and Getting Another

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I receive a number of e-mails each day that include links to online articles about credit unions, banks, and the big financial-services picture. Most are set up so I see the headlines and the first few sentences of each article. When I read the e-mail, I scroll down the page, clicking the headlines that look interesting and skipping over the banner ads (they're not obtrusive and don't affect the readability of the e-mail, so they don't really bother me). Today, one of my e-mails got sneaky on me, though.

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Things I Learned the Hard Way—Lesson 1

By Robert H. Halleck

In my 35 plus years in the financial services industry, I learned some things the hard way and made more than a few mistakes more than once. I'd like to share some things that made an impression on me during my career. None of them is new and a fairly common reaction is, "I know that." So do I, but given the tenor of the times it doesn't hurt to discuss them again.

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Greet Gen Y with Account Access on Facebook

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

If you want to reach Gen Y, why not be where they are? The more than 68 million Facebook users (many of them young people) spend an average of 20 minutes a day on the site. And about 250,000 new users sign on every day. Some CUs are already there, waiting to greet them.

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Social Media Through the Back Door

Lisa Hochgraf Photo
Senior Editor

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

If you're feeling too old to get into the social or new media on line these days, take heart. You don't have to learn it all at once. Indeed, I'm finding out that you really can find your way on Linked In, Facebook and Flickr by dribs and drabs--by asking for help from someone who's been there, and even by accepting invitations from your elders! Consider these introductions I've had to social and new media:

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Hopping on the Experience Train to Minneapolis

Posted by Jessica Jones, CUES Marketing Specialist

CUES Experience first hit my radar last summer, when the name started to float around the CUES office. Every time I heard something new about it, it got better. Minneapolis (a very cool city if you've never been - hip like Chicago but uber-relaxed like Seattle). Mall of America and Summit Brewing Company. Sessions on fascinating subjects for anyone in marketing, like "Unlocking Cool," about viral events and other marketing-meets-IT innovations, and "Sense and Respond Marketing."

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