A Moment of Brand Reflection

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Have you seen Brand Tags? It's a Web site that shows you a logo and asks you to submit the first word or phrase that comes to mind. Your answers are added to a tag cloud that visually represents all answers related to that brand's logo. The premise is laid out on the home page: "The basic idea of this site is that a brand exists entirely in people's heads. Therefore, a brand is whatever they say it is."

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Credit Card Addiction?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

You wouldn't knowingly sell an alcoholic a beer, right? So would you market a credit card to a chronic abuser of credit? Is abstinence the best way in both of these cases?

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Not Quite a Brand Tattoo, but Close

By Lisa Hochgraf

Last week, while my husband and son were enjoying a biking and camping trip, I lived it up. Specifically, I invited other moms on my street over on Tuesday for a quiet, post-children's-bedtime game of Scrabble (and a relaxing glass of wine).

One of my neighbors, also named Lisa, showed up wearing this Scrabble tile necklace (except hers had an "L," of course).

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