Fewer Cars Owned In U.S. What's up for CUs?

Posted by Ron Jooss

For the first time in a while, U.S. car ownership declined in 2009. What’s more, it looks like it could well be the beginning of a trend. As the United States slowly drags itself out of a recession and more environmentally friendly practices—such as more use of rapid transit and light rail systems—work their way into American culture, the next economic cycle appears as if it will be much different than the last.

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Mom-Friendly Marketing Campaign

Posted by Kelly Schmit

This past holiday season was the first time my son was old enough to truly enjoy this time of year .. .not to mention Santa Claus. So my husband and I wanted to give him an amazing experience, but we were stuck. What would our almost three-year-old want?

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Where's Rob?

By Ron Jooss

Credit unions run promos and sponsor booths at ballgames and other events all the time. Just think if your credit union could get one entire section of the crowd to stand up and take notice of you. I mean really take notice of you. Check out this video.

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Innovations FCU Gets Merry

By Christopher Stevenson

Sometimes a credit union does something so unexpected and in such a fun way, it takes me off guard. This holiday greeting from Panama City, Florida's Innovations FCU is a perfect example.

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Extreme Makeover: E-mail Edition

Posted by Erin Templer

These days, you can't log into your e-mail account without finding at least one marketing e-mail in your inbox. And it's no wonder this is such a popular tool. Marketing e-mails generate leads, increase sales, provide an instant means of communication to your members and are extremely budget-friendly.

Yet there are clearly downsides to this ultra-convenient method that need to be considered in order to make it valuable for everyone.

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Matz to Directors: More Charges, Changes to Come

By Lisa Hochgraf

The Honorable Debbie Matz just told attendees of CUES' Directors Conference in Palm Desert, Calif., that continued efforts to insulate members against the impacts of the economic crisis will mean additional payments, both to support the rebuilding of the corporate system and to support NCUA's 2010 budget increase.

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