Projecting ... The Future?

Are you sick of force feeding advertising? Maybe your CUs' pool of possible members is tired of it too.

I've been looking into some of the new advertising methods that step outside the box and engage passersby. The focus of these new, high-tech methods is to advertise without the target market even knowing they are looking at an advertisement or, if they do know, to be so intrigued they don't look away.

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If Ever There was a Time to Be Bold in Your Marketing

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

HSBC bought  24 ad pages in the Oct. 17 issue of New York magazine, making it the largest single-issue advertiser in the magazine's history. The ad buy includes every full-page ad in the magazine before the listings section, and the back cover.


Bold move? Definitely.

Crazy? Maybe not.

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Main Street in Crisis–The Credit Union Difference

By Gary Easterling, CCE

Our members, our communities, and our nation need the credit union difference. Today is the day for the accumulated strength of the credit union movement to step up and give back to the member-owners.

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Fee Delivery

Posted by Lisa HochgrafRedsuitcase

On Sunday night, I had to pay to check a single bag from San Francisco to Rochester, N.Y., through Boston. $15. For one, not-even-especially-heavy bag. I was grumbling.

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What the Heck are Mail Goggles?

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

After several failed attempts at coming up with a clever introduction to this post, I give up. Here's what I want to share with you. Gmail's Mail Goggles.

Mail Goggles will help prevent you from sending those late-Friday-night, four-appletini e-mails to friends and colleagues. How? By making you solve a few simple math problems after you click <send> to make sure you're in the right state of mind.

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Don't Just 'Super Size' me, Hook me Up

Posted by Ron Jooss

Last night I was coming home from the grocery store and I stopped in at Cold Stone Creamery (or Stone Cold Creamedy, as my 5-year-old son calls it). I'd call it a guilty pleasure, but somehow I never feel all that guilty about it. The kid who was working the store was hanging a Happy Halloween banner. He jumped off the ladder as I opened the door and said, "Welcome to Cold Stone Creamery."

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CUs: The Next 100 Years

By Mary Arnold

In honor of the 100th anniversary of U.S. credit unions (our Canadian friends already reached this esteemed mark in 2000), CUES will be proposing a toast during CEO Network's awards banquet. And I'm looking forward to lifting my glass high to celebrate this accomplishment with all of you who will be in attendance.

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