
Tell the Full Story With the Numbers


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Yesterday's CUES Golden Mirror Awards judging started right off by raising my respect for marketers dealing with numbers. (See my previous post.) The calculations made by the judging team I watched first really helped them rate submitted entries.

But the numbers story from Tuesday's day of judging doesn't end there.

Sometimes the judges would read the results detailed in an entry and say "I don't buy it." Recalculations often fixed mistakes and gave a whole new perspective on a campaign's outcome.

In addition, the nine judges (three each on three teams) often looked at the numbers provided and asked for more numbers.

"These are nice results," they'd say about an increase of 125 members in a month. "But I wish they had also told me what kind of balances these new accounts brought in. That would be interesting."

Thinking of entering the GMA contest next year? Keep in mind that judges really like good numbers and lots of them.

Interestingly enough, CEOs and CFOs are big fans of lots of good numbers, too. Next time you go knocking on their doors, be sure you've double-checked your results on your most recent campaign success. Also make sure you have all the numbers to illustrate the broader story of how your initiative has postively impacted your credit union's health, direction or financial situation. Doing both of these things might just make your chief executives jump faster to fund your next big initiative.

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