
HR Answers: Hottest Tech Tools for Recruiting

Digital graphic representing the HR process and tools used to select candidates
By Nick Murphy

2 minutes

Recruiters and hiring managers can use technology to improve productivity.

Companies like Google, which receives an average of 3 million job applications yearly, and Amazon, which once received 20,000 applications in a single day, use a whole suite of tools (including artificial intelligence and advanced recruiting software) to narrow down their applicant pool and sift out top talent.
But what about startups and small businesses? What are the best tech tools that will enable businesses to improve the recruitment process in the future?

The future of recruiting will leverage augmented intelligence and machine learning to connect companies to the right talent more efficiently, while creating a deeper human connection and custom paths for every professional. 

Give your business a competitive edge by taking advantage of some of this season's hottest tech tools:


The contacts list on our phones may have replaced the traditionally used Rolodex, but you still need something to keep track of interactions with customers or sales prospects. Many businesses now rely on a customer relationship management system like Salesforce for this purpose. Your marketing department may already be using Salesforce. Why not ask if it can also be configured for job prospects?

A less tech-heavy option involves linking your contacts and calendar to set personal reminders for appointments or follow-up calls.

Evident ID

There is a lot of stress and risk that comes with being a recruiter—like ensuring the safe handling of jobseekers’ personal data. There is also the added responsibility of organizing and managing this sensitive data if they are hired. Evident ID protects businesses by taking them out of the process and using the platform to verify users’ and customers’ information with minimum disclosure, ultimately minimizing security risks. 


Every business owner knows the challenges associated with hiring and retaining talent. Using automated messaging via an online chatbox, RoboRecruiter does the heavy lifting by managing the engagement of the current campaign database. What's more is that the platform is multilingual and allows recruiters to evolve their database from a basic storage of candidates into something that is more intelligent, more active and more engaged.

Nick Murphy is a career expert and founder of The Job Lab Podcast and Mid-America Careers job platform.

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