
Right Person, Right Offer, Right Time


By Lisa Hochgraf

Picture a bald guy holding a hair dryer next to his head. The caption reads: "He doesn't buy it."

Mark DeBellis shared this image and anecdote yesterday at CUES Nexus Conference during his session, "How to Steal From the Post Office ... Legally!" in which he outlined strategies for reducing costs on direct mailings.

In addition, DeBellis, president of PSB, The Marketing SuperSource, Lake Forest, Calif., suggested, "If you spend less on postage but you don't have good content, it's an absolute waste."

DeBellis said credit unions' direct mail promotions' success depends:

  • 40 percent on the quality of your mailing list;
  • 40 percent on the impact of your offer and
  • 20 percent on your creative.

Are you sending the right members an offer that's perfect for them? Only then, suggested this expert, will your way-cool design truly help seal the deal.

Lisa Hochgraf edits the marketing and operations sections of CUES' Credit Union Management magazine.

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