
Bacon is Not Canadian Bacon

Laura Lynch Photo
Products & Services Manager

2 minutes

Ordering your favorite pizza by phone can be a risk. Order Canadian bacon and pineapple, and you may not get the right bacon. Regular bacon and pineapple pizza is not great and, more importantly, it wasn’t what you ordered.

Enter online pizza ordering and, even better, Domino’s pizza tracker.

Tansley Stearns, CME, CSE, chief innovation officer of Filene Research Institute, and Michael Neill, CSE, founder and CEO of MNA, Inc., see Dominos as an innovator in both the pizza world and the world of member service. They discussed it during the CUES Webinar “Unlock the Secrets to Creating & Dominating Member Experience.”

Dominos even has a way to order via emoji and Bluetooth. “They’ve found a way to be anywhere you are when you get that urge to order pizza,” said Stearns. “They aren’t just omni-present; they’re omni-available.”

Stearns challenged credit unions to look at innovative ways to be available to members. That can start with journey mapping.

Mapping out a member journey with the credit union shows when members are happy and when they are frustrated or confused. It bumps up these feelings with the associated credit union process. Stearns invited credit unions to start small by looking at the top four or five experiences and mapping those out step by step.

Stearns and Neill will work with credit unions at the CUES School of Member Experience to walk through member journey mapping. They suggest starting with your credit union’s subject matter experts. Then bring in the strategists, the dreamers, to create a picture of what the CU wants that experience to be.

Make the member journey easy and seamless, like ordering and tracking a pizza online.

While the member side of this journey is important, mapping out the process can also show ways to improve the staff experience.

Stearns pointed out how making it easier on members to open accounts or apply for mortgages also makes it much more likely staff with be able to engage members.

She shared an example of a CU whose new accounts procedures required that potential members provide their previous employer’s name, address and phone number. If the member didn’t have that, they were turned away.

Stearns thought about her previous employer and knew she wouldn’t readily know the address and phone number. She asked the CU if the previous employer’s information was needed to meet any regulatory or CU requirements. It wasn’t.

“People are going to use your branches, even Gen Yers. They’re going to research online, but then they’re going to come into the branch when they have questions, especially if they’ve never had an account before,” Stearns explained.

“Arm your front-line staff with technology that can allow them to stop worrying, to stop checking boxes, and getting forms right, so that they can engage with members,” she advised.

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